Introduction to Power BI

John Ariansen

52 Minutes
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"Introduction to Power BI" is a comprehensive course designed to take you from a beginner to a proficient user of Power BI, the powerful data visualization and business intelligence tool by Microsoft. Led by expert John David Ariansen, the course begins with an engaging introduction to Power BI, featuring hands-on exploration with a sample dashboard and an overview of Power BI Server. As you delve deeper, you'll gain insights into analyzing sales and in-stock data, setting the stage for sophisticated data manipulation and visualization techniques.

Explore the Course Plan
Module 1: Introduction to Power BI with John David Ariansen

Meet John David Arianson, your guide to mastering Power BI, from basic concepts to building dashboards for insightful business decisions.

Module 1.2: Exploring Power BI with a Sample Dashboard

This module offers an introduction to Power BI, showcasing its capabilities through a sample dashboard. It covers key elements like KPIs, visualizations, and data connections, emphasizing how Power BI can be used for effective data analysis and visualization.

Module 1.3: Power BI Server Overview

This module provides an introduction to Power BI Server, highlighting its role in sharing reports and visualizations within an organization. The content briefly covers how Power BI Server integrates with data connection, cleaning, and visualization processes, although it is not explored in depth in this course.

Module 1.4: Understanding Sales and In-Stock Data in Power BI

This module covers analyzing sales and in-stock data in Power BI, highlighting the tool's efficiency compared to Excel, particularly in handling complex datasets for demand tracking and sales trend analysis.

Module 2.1: Basic Data Visualization in Power BI

This module introduces basic data visualization techniques in Power BI, focusing on pragmatic approaches to connect data sources and visualize trends effectively. It combines elements of art and science, with an emphasis on practical applications rather than in-depth theory.

Module 2.2: Connecting to Data Sources in Power BI

This module covers the process of connecting Power BI to data sources. It starts with opening a new Power BI workbook, selecting the 'Get Data' option, and then choosing the relevant Excel data file. The focus is on loading the data directly without transforming it or building a data model, ensuring all data is uploaded into Power BI's backend for further visualization tasks.

Module 2.3: Creating KPI Cards in Power BI

Teaches how to create and format KPI cards in Power BI, using sales and in-stock data for accurate metric display.

Module 2.4: Creating Line Charts in Power BI

This module covers the process of constructing line charts in Power BI to visualize time series analysis, demonstrating how to effectively display changes in metrics over time using sales and in-stock data.

Module 2.5: Utilizing Bar Charts in Power BI

The module demonstrates creating bar charts in Power BI, emphasizing their simplicity and effectiveness. It contrasts bar charts with less effective visualizations like crowded pie charts and explores formatting options within Power BI.

Module 2.6: Interactive Dashboards in Power BI

This module explains how to enhance Power BI dashboards with interactivity using slicers or filters. The focus is on empowering users to explore specific trends and data insights independently.

Module 3.1: Exploring the Data View in Power BI

This module introduces the data view in Power BI, focusing on how Power BI connects to various data sources. It covers the coding languages used in Power BI and the methods to effectively connect and modify data sources for analysis.

Module 3.2: Understanding M Code and DAX in Power BI

This module explains the two primary coding languages in Power BI: M Code and DAX.

Module 3.3: Data Manipulation Techniques in Power BI

This module focuses on how to manipulate data in Power BI.

Module 3.4: Utilizing 'Transform Data' for Splitting Columns in Power BI

This module demonstrates how to split columns using Power BI's Transform Data function.

Module 4.1: Exploring Data Modeling in Power BI

This introductory module of chapter four focuses on the concept of data modeling in Power BI.

Module 4.2: Understanding Data Models in Power BI

This module delves into the concept of a data model as a blueprint that links various data sources in Power BI.

Module 4.3: Exploring Cardinality in Power BI Data Models

This module provides a clear explanation of cardinality using a simplified example involving two tables: a sales table and a cost table.

Module 4.4: Merging Queries in Power BI for Enhanced Data Visualization

This module delves into the advanced functionality of merging queries within Power BI to enhance data visualization.

Module 5.1: Case Study and Dashboard Creation in Power BI

This module marks the culmination of the course with an extensive case study. It focuses on applying the concepts learned in previous chapters to construct a comprehensive dashboard.

Module 5.2: Building a Demand Planning Dashboard in Power BI

This module showcases the creation of a demand planning dashboard in Power BI.

Module 5.3: Bulk Editing Data in Power BI for Case Study

This module focuses on bulk editing data in Power BI, an essential step in preparing for a detailed case study.

Module 5.4: Data Model and Merging Queries in Power BI

This module focuses on creating an effective data model in Power BI.

Module 5.5: Building the Final Dashboard in Power BI

This final module wraps up the case study by constructing the actual dashboard.

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